Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Fever 3

Ok, so after a 2 day absence of the fever, we thought we were back to normal. Then it came back Monday afternoon. It didn't just come back either, it came back with a vengeance! Monday night it was about 102. We gave her Motrin and put her to bed. About 4:00 am, Nevaeh woke up and crawled into bed with us BURNING UP. I took her temperature and it was up to 103.8. She wouldn't take any medicine so I tried cooling her off with making her drink cold water and taking her shirt off. It worked, it slowly came down.... I couldn't sleep so I kept checking her temp every 5 minutes or so to make sure she was ok. By the time Kohlton woke up it was back down to 101. I called and made another doctor appointment for her. By the time we got there, her temp was at 100.4 and she was acting fine. They had her pee in a cup again to see about some sort of bacteria that could be in her kidneys but we won't get the results back til Thursday because it has to culture. Not quite sure why it takes that long but that is what the doctor told me. We were in there FOREVER! My appointment was at 11:15 and we didn't walk out of there until 12:30. When we were finishing up I could tell she was starting to not feel well again because she was getting clingy. We came home and she wanted to take a nap on the couch. She didn't really fall asleep but just kind of laid there. A little while later she said she didn't feel good and was hot. I came over to take off the long sleeved shirt she was wearing and she started to throw up. After that was done and over with, I got the thermometer and checked her temp. It was at 105.2!!! I stripped her clothes off and made her take some Motrin... Well, threatened her really. I told her that if she didn't take the Motrin, I would have to take her to the doctor and they would poke her with a needle. I'm pretty sure this may have been the outcome, but pretty much lied so she would take the stinkin' Motrin. Within 30 minutes or so it had gone down to 104.8 and then it came down more from there. In about 2 hours it was at 100-101 and she was acting like herself again. I did call the Pediatrician and now we are on fever control so it won't get that high again. They told me only to worry if it got that high again, I gave her Motrin, and it didn't come down a degree in one hour. So, even though 105.2 seems like a REALLY high number I guess it's ok as long as it comes down. So, we are at home yet again today because she can't go to school until she has gone 24 hours without a fever and it was up to 103.7 around midnight last night. (Again, had to threaten her to get her to take the Motrin) She is getting antsy and wants to go back to school and I want to go back to school as well... I am just ready for our normal schedule back I guess.
Thank you for your prayers thus far and for everyone's concern and help. We appreciate it.
Continue to keep her in your prayers!!!


heidi said...

goodness, the poor girl. and poor you, i'm sorry!

Cyndi said...

Holy cow! I am so sorry she is having this fever for so long. It is so frustrating when the doctors can't figure things out. We will keep praying for all of you.

azroths said...

It's hard too because if she is on Motrin, she acts completely fine. So if you were to see her when the Motrin is working, she looks COMPLETELY fine. But once it wears off, she's dead on her feet again with a 103 fever. I'm over it.