Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fever 2

So we had some doctor appointments today but we didn't learn a whole lot more...
We know that she doesn't have leukemia, which evidently was on the table but Dr. Kennedy didn't tell Jason about it on Monday when he took her in because he didn't want to scare him unnecessarily. Her blood results didn't really tell us a whole lot. She is a bit anemic but that could just be a result of being sick in general. The only other indicator that was not normal was one that showed if there was inflammation in the body ( I can't remember what it was called). Normal range is from 1-10 and hers is up to 36. While that seems REALLY high compared to the norm, Dr. Kennedy said that it isn't scary until it is in the 90's. But what it does show us is that there is inflammation SOMEWHERE in her body.
So, what did we do with this knowledge? We went to the radiologist to get a chest x-ray to see if there was inflammation in her chest (pneumonia) that couldn't be heard with a stethoscope. She got some "pictures of her tickle spots" and we were sent back home to wait for results. After an hour or so (thankfully they were very fast getting the results back) we got a call about her x-rays... normal. Which is great and wonderful because now we know that she doesn't have pneumonia.
Also while we were at the doctor's office, she had to pee in a cup which she thought was the silliest thing. She asked me why and I told her that Dr. Kennedy wanted to look at her pee to see if it was healthy. She still can't figure out why anyone would want to look at her pee. So with the results of peeing in a cup, we also know that it isn't a kidney infection.
So, we are finding out what it is NOT, but not a lot of knowledge about what it IS. So last recommendation from the doctor while we wait on some more blood results that weren't ready today is.... lots of REST, drink FLUIDS, and take MOTRIN as needed for the fever.
That's all I know as of now. But Nevaeh's fever was up to 103.3 about an hour ago. I'm starting to begin to think it is NEVER going to go away...
Keep her in your prayers!!!


heidi said...

we'll keep her in our prayers. hope they figure it out soon!

Nilda Noel said...

You didn't tell me about the peeing in a cup thing. That is pretty funny. I can just imagine the wheels in her brain spinning thinking "is this guy crazy? why would someone choose to look at pee. disgusting!!"