Friday, November 21, 2008


Ok, so now that the movie has officially been out for about 24 hours, I feel that I can post my feelings about it. Plus, I have now seen it 3 times so I need to write SOMETHING. Yes, I did say 3 times... but, don't call me a Twi-Hard, or a Twerd, or anything like that I have valid reasons for seeing it this many times already. First, I had purchased tickets to the midnight showing with a friend, then I got the AWESOME tickets to see it 2 days early but couldn't bail on my friend so I saw it twice. Well, the third time came about because after talking to Nilda about how we felt about the movie and then hearing how others felt about it, Nilda wanted to go a second time to get a second opinion about it. I couldn't very well let her go alone could I?

Ok, so here is how I feel. The first time I saw it, when it was over, I felt that it was a good movie. It isn't as good as the book by any means but still a good movie. But then on the way home from the movie Nilda and I were talking about it and started comparing the movie to the book. As we were comparing I found myself getting more and more frustrated and disappointed in the movie because some of my favorite parts of the book were not in the movie and there were some pivotal parts of the book that were barely touched on in the movie. For example, the meadow scene could have been WAY better! I feel it is one of the most important parts of the book and they barely even skimmed it in the movie. It was all wrong. Blood typing wasn't in there and that is one of my favorite parts too. Edward asking Bella all his little questions wasn't in there. I just feel that they didn't get in any sort of depth to how Bella and Edward felt about each other. So, those were my frustrations and disappointments.

Then I went to watch it for the second time at the midnight showing. Since I had already seen it, I knew what to expect and got to just watch it for what it was. I liked it better the second time. I don't know if my expectations were too high or what, but the second time I watched it, it was definitely more enjoyable.

So now we come to the third time... I like it even more. I think it is just one of those movies that has to grow on you. I think you just have to take it for what it is and not expect it to be like the book. It was fun to listen to some of the boyfriends in the audience that clearly had never read the book before during the movie. During the scene where Bella walks into the classroom for the first time and her scent hits Edward and he is GLARING at her, this guy next to me leaned to his girlfriend and said, "Jeez, what is that guys problem?" I just started laughing. Now there are some parts that I still think are a bit cheesy but like I said, still a good movie.

I am curious to see what everyone else thinks. Tell me what you think and if you agree or disagree on what I have to say.


Monika said...

OK. So I went in to the movie not expecting too much and I was right. There is no way a movie can get as detailed as the book could and I felt the dialogue was just choppy which made me feel the acting seemed bad. After thinking about it for the last day, I think if they could have added about 30 min. more, that would have helped A LOT! Also, as the movie went on and I started to get used to it, the actors did start to grow on me. I can actually see how it might get better if you watch it more than once. And despite being disappointed, I really hope they make the rest of the movies.

Cyndi said...

I knew when I went that there was no way it could possible be even close to the books, so I wasn't expecting much but I was still excited to see it.
It was a good movie. And I think for people that haven't read the books, it was probably a really good movie. But all I did the whole time was compare it to the book.
I was also disappointed in the meadow seen, and that the blood typing wasn't in it.... those were some of my favorite parts of the book! They could have made the movie just a little longer and it would have been so much better.
I did really like the baseball seen.
I will be going again, and I am hoping this time I will just watch it to enjoy, and not compare so much.
But, I still really liked it. I think they did a good job for the budget and I am excited to see the rest of the movies when they come out!

erohde said...

So Laura do you realize you know someone from Forks. Hopefully you remember Liz Rohde, me.